To your all-in one hub to book meeting rooms and sports classes or sign up for​ the many public, campus or collective events happening at Wintercircus. 

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The Key to Entreprenreneurial Finance, by Vlerick Business School 

Tuesday 28 January 2025 - 6pm

During this interactive and engaging session, we will delve into the fascinating world of finance and provide an overview of what any entrepreneur should know about the financial side of doing business

Key finance terminology will be discussed, including a review of the three major statements, being the balance sheet, the P&L, and the cash flow statement. Additionally, we will convince you of the huge importance of optimizing cash at hand, by going into working capital management, which is all about the company's operating cycle and the corresponding timing of cash in and out flows. Building a financial plan will also be touched upon – as it helps to avoid liquidity issues – and is a critical tool when attracting funding – it will give a clue regarding how much financing is likely needed, by when and for how long. Both working capital management and financial planning are conceptually not complicated yet often do not get that much attention, in particular at small firms and start-ups.

The approach will be hands-on, with a ton of illustrations, and focus on a helicopter overview/grasping the bigger picture/the story and rationale behind numbers, rather than zooming into all technical details and exact calculations.

Inside Mark Coucke's Art Collection 

Thursday 30 January 2025 - 7pm

Step into the captivating world of Marc Coucke’s renowned private art collection, a treasure trove of over 800 extraordinary pieces, curated with passion and precision. This special event offers an intimate look at one of Belgium’s most remarkable collections, guided by none other than Johan Vansteenkiste, Coucke’s trusted personal art curator.

Through Johan’s expert insights, you’ll discover:

  • The stories behind key artworks and their significance.
  • The vision that drives Marc Coucke’s approach to collecting.
  • The intricate curation process that brings this extraordinary collection to life.

You can bring a guest!

Book here!